Limitation of Windows store games 

With the launch of the Universal Windows Platform, the kind of featured games and apps that Windows Store had done not get a clear mobile focus.

Arrival of Windows 10 Insider Preview Redstone build 14271 

Arrived on the fast ring 6 days, a whole lot of improvements were made and it consists of three additions to the Microsoft Edge but there is no support given for extensions.

Windows 10 – Can it still be better and good to use 

Plenty of criticism has been taken by Windows 10, but it is still a great operating system and the best upgrade from the Windows 8.1.

KB3135173 / KB3135174 – Recent Windows 10 upgrades 

Ever since the Windows 10 came to hit the PC users as a free upgrade, Microsoft is pouring its enormous efforts in making it better. This effort continued even in last week. On February 09, 2016, there been two major service upgrade for Windows 10. According to Microsoft, the new upgrades are all concerning quality […]

How to install and start Turbo C++ on Windows 10 x32 / x64 

Download and install : Download the Turbo C++ files: Create a folder, for example „Turbo“ c:\Turbo\ Extract Turbo C++ into the Turbo folder c:\Turbo\ Run the DOSBox from the icon located on the desktop and type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]: mount d c:\Turbo\ Now you should get a message […]

Is your Windows 10 start menu showing ads? 

Since the recent build 10565 update for Windows 10 there is a surprising change with the Start Menu. Did you notice any difference? The Start Menu started showing advertisements. Currently these are in the block form and static. Exactly like the first generation of web advertisement units we have experience earlier. If any of you […]

Windows 10 is released now! 

Finally she is out in the town, yes, we are talking about the much discussed, shared OS from the Microsoft, the Windows 10 – the one of its kind OS in the series for the last time, that shaped history with its ancestors. Many of you already know the fact Windows 10 is free, you […]

Security concerns and doubts about Windows 10’s Wi-Fi 

Wi-Fi Sense is one of the first wireless connection programs from Microsoft which was introduced for the Windows Phone 8.1. However, now it is ported to the Windows 10. As per most of the programming in-charges and software professionals, this so-called Wi-Fi Sense is one of the simple and convenient means of connecting to the […]

Official announcement from Microsoft confirms the security fixes for ten year period 

Somewhat in the month of January, Microsoft has issued a statement informing that the Windows 10 would have an extensive and supportive lifetime in terms of the device when it is getting installed. Now somehow, this word or the statement created a lot of stir and a certain amount of confusion. People started asking about […]