Windows 10 insiders on the fast ring will now be using a new build for PC (build 14383) which was recently rolled out just in time for the coming anniversary upgrades.
Microsoft team has been busy working on producing a new build for PC users to bring about a myriad of improvements. The new build is expected to characterize various changes and focus on fixing several bugs. It is also worth noting that the Windows watermark is excluded in this build suggesting it is RTM although Microsoft Chief Lead Dona Sarkar clarified that the team will be releasing many other builds before they cross that milestone.
The new build is expected to result in various PC improvements mainly fixing bugs. Users can follow a link directly to the store using Edge to download extensions. The build fixes bugs with Surface Book screen presentations, issues with the settings app, checkmark, monitor connection and configuration, memory leaks in certain web pages among others. Essentially, the build focuses on solving issues with hanging, undesirable display changes, internet connectivity delays and remote connection to other machines.
The new 14383 build is not only available for PC but will also be used in Windows mobile as the tow operating systems are often positioned as sisters. The mobile improvements users can expect include improved battery performance, seamless map zooming, fixing volume mute bugs in Lumia 640, improved visual voicemail among others.
Most bugs that existed in the previous build causing unpredicted jumps or hitches are fixed with this new build. However, not all the preexisting bugs have been fixed and more builds will be added in the future. The goal is to build RTM which will provide ultimate experience the current operating systems can support. Nonetheless, the many updates will be sufficient for the coming anniversary and fixes the most pressing bugs.