Windows 10 has been around for some time now. In the early days, users were experiencing a number of problems with the latest windows platform but with the passage of time, things are getting pretty better. A recently conducted survey tells us that the new Microsoft Windows 10 is currently being used by more than 27 million users on different kinds of devices. While this is a huge success for Microsoft, at the same time whenever this operating system upgrades, different kinds of issues elaborate and cause a number of problems to the functionality of the system. The latest issue in this regard has been arising as a result of the forced updates introduced by Windows 10. It causes your computer to get entrapped in a limitless crash loop while the operating system tries to forcefully install some new automated updates.
A few weeks back, the internet was going crazy over the recent updates of Windows 10 which got the users to experience a number of different issues including improper wifi connectivity, audio related issues, installation issues and problems regarding the use of Google chrome. It hasn’t even gotten any old and now we have been experiencing another massive issue due to the latest forced update introduced by Microsoft.
This automatic update is known as KB3081424 that was basically introduced to get rid of some bugs infused in the Windows 10. However it is pretty ironic how a fixer leads a computer to an endless crash loop. When a user goes through with this update, one of the two things might happen. They may either get stuck in an endless crash loop while the computer keeps on trying to forcefully install the windows or it starts saying that the updates were not properly installed so the changes are being undone. This so called undoing process is even worse. It involves a forced reboot of the system. Once it starts up, the new update attempts an installation again and the computer goes through the same loop again and again till you start willing to kill yourself.
The explanation behind the occurrence of this kind of endless error is the fact that when the initial installation attempt fails, your computer creates a bad registry which stays into the system while causing it to initiate and undo the installation over and over again.
Microsoft has not been vigilant enough to come up with some solution for this issue yet but some of our fellow users were motivated enough to produce a good solution in this regard. So in case you are a victim to this kind of issue, you need to open the registry editor of your computer. You can do that by pressing the windows key + R and then typing in regedit. Now look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. Export it and then delete the registry. Now restart your computer and the issue you are experiencing would be gone as you have gotten rid of the bad registry.
You State:
” Export it and then delete the registry. Now restart your computer and the issue you are experiencing would be gone as you have gotten rid of the bad registry.”
What you probably mean is …delete the registry ENTRY and, …gotten rid of the bad registry ENTRY.
I think deleting the registry would probably have an adverse effect.