Microsoft sets off fireworks with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14379 for PC and mobile 

Dona Sarkar and team celebrated the 4th of July by releasing Build 14379 for both PC and Mobile to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring with another batch of bug fixes based on feedback.

VLC 2.0 app now publicly available for Windows 10 devices 

VLC has updated itself to make it compatible with the new Windows 10. This VLC version is the first public beta build for the new operating system Windows 10.

Finally! Microsoft launches Windows 10 Mobile 

In November, Microsoft had launched Lumia 950 XL and Lumia 950 and both these instruments were running on the new OS, and people taught that this was the latest OS from Microsoft. But it was not.

Build 2015 Update: Windows 10 Coming With Big Game Changing Strategies 

The software giant Microsoft in its Build 2015 event last week unveiled some of the key features of its upcoming operating system, the Windows 10, scheduled for this Summer’s release had got the crowd and industry experts impressed with the finest upgrade and improvisation of the OS since its predecessors like the Windows 7, 8 […]

Command Prompt improvements in Windows 10 

Windows 10 is the beginning of a new era for Windows operating system that will bring forth several features and technologies like never seen before in any operating system. Universal apps, Cortana, Continuum, Spartan Project, and Virtual Desktop, all these are a set of completely new features that will re-define the future of windows. Besides […]

Windows 10: Windows-as-a-Service 

The unveiling of Windows 10 by Microsoft in September 2014 was quite phenomenal where the company unleashed the new window version’s next-generation features that are designed to go hand-in-hand with today’s latest technologies, be it cloud computing or the ever-increasing mobile hybrid devices. During the second event held on 21st January this year which was […]

The amazing features of Windows 10 

Windows 10 is creating a lot of buzz since the event in which Microsoft unwrapped it and presented its features to the world. This new version is expected to take the Windows to a whole new level as it is being built with the perspective that it should comply with mobile-and-cloud computing and should be optimized […]