At times, Microsoft has started to be stuck up in its own dilemma. It has been forced to edit a misleading blog which it had posted some time ago. As per the given blog, it stated that any person could get free updates on the Windows 10 if the user simply installs a basic test version of the upcoming Redmond OS(0perating System) for your personal computers. But the only caveat which has appeared in it is that users would have to use the MSA (Microsoft Account) which would help in connecting the Window’s Insider program.
As per Microsoft’s initial press release, it stated that freebies would be upgraded if it is applicable to those people who have installed and are using the latest version of the Windows 10. (i.e. the preview version which is built on 10130). And the best part is that this even stands for various users who don’t have or are currently using a Window 8.1 or Windows 7 which is either installed. As per the Windows boss Gabe Aul, he said in his blog that certain users would be given certain free items. According to the press release, as per the insiders, the Windows which is running on the Windows 10 especially the Pro and Home editions.
Both the editions can be registered in the MSA when it is connected to the PC and the final version or the build of the Windows 10 would be releasing somewhat on or after on 29th July. Basically, as per the analyst, if you are just running the Insider Preview, then it can help in connecting and building the MSA which you can just register and once you are able to receive the present and current version of the Windows 10 which would be the final version to be build and it would often remain active.
To counter the given promises given, Microsoft has updated the current blog and it has posted the latest caveat. As per the insider of Windows users, it is stated that those users who have upgraded to the Windows 8 and Windows 7 version, would get all the fully and free functions and can easily upgrade them to the final version if and only they are enrolled in the Window’s Insider Program. So, it simply means that you are only entitled to the final version if you just force and try to install the pre-release future version of the given Windows.
i had windows 10 installed when it was free that computer crashed so i bought a laptop with 7 home i want my windows 10 back