Getting all your notifications in one place is still a fantasy. But the recent announcement from Microsoft on its upcoming release confirms that the fantasy is soon turning into a reality. Window 10’s Cortana will be now bringing Android updates too. Take the advantage of all your notifications.
According to the news, Cortana will be synching across devices to circulate the notifications in user’s Windows 10 PC. The idea to have the notifications synchronized to a single platform between Windows OS and Android OS is user generated. This specially targeted the Android gamers who spends millions of hours in gaming. They will start living up more with the Windows 10 as long Cortana will continue to provide them all the notifications.
The news release also specified that Cortana will be able to notify about phone calls and sms too. So, whenever you are doing your work, or attending your meeting leaving the phone away; Cortana will keep you informed about all the phone calls, SMS and other notifications. Users will stay better informed.
If you do not fear getting buried under notifications, then certainly, being a busy and passionate profession, the Cortana will keep you better informed and better decision maker. The new update will be available in the Windows 10 anniversary update, later this Summer.