BitDefender and Avast, both of them are very popular among the users as they offer a number of high end features. When it comes to figuring out which one is better than the other, there cannot be issued any fixed ruling as both of these antivirus programs have their own pros and cons. A brief comparison that might help us make our choice about which antivirus to go for is given below.
PC protection
Avast Free Antivirus and BitDefender antivirus plus, both of them are pretty good at protecting your computer from different kinds of malicious viruses and other threats but the latter one apparently offers a better protection. According to an evaluation carried out by an Australian lab, both the antivirus programs were tested against notorious virus attacks. Avast blocked 99.6 percent of the threats while Bit Defender offered protection against 99.9 percent of the attacks. Keeping this in mind, it may be stated that bit defender is a better choice in comparison to avast.
Mac Protection
According to the AV Tests conducted in December, 2016, BitDefender offered 100 percent protection against different kinds of malware attacks on Mac operating system Sierra. On the other hand, Avast managed to protect the system from 96.8 percent of the attacks. This makes bit defender a better choice for mac users.
Installation and ease of use
Bit defender and avast both offer pretty much the same kind of messages informing the user about the safety of their system but there is a good deal of variation when it comes to the presentation. The home screen of bit defender is more prominent and self explanatory in comparison to Avast’s. When it comes to the installation process of these antivirus programs, it is pretty much the same expect for the fact that Avast asks you to include the Google toolbar in your installation while recommending that you make Google your home page at the same time.
Special features
Since bit defender is a paid anti virus program, it seems pretty obvious that it would offer a greater number of special features in comparison to Avast but you would be amazed after learning about the number of special features included in the Avast Free antivirus. So when it comes to the special features offered by both the antivirus programs, the result appears to be a tie since they both are equally good on this account.
System impact
As far as the system impact of both antivirus programs is concerned, neither avast nor bit defender are known to cause a lot of impact on the performance of your system. When these programs were tested on different machines with different features and running on different operating systems, different results were obtained. In some of the cases, Avast appeared to be the better choice while in others, bit defender turned out offering better performance. So overall, it is a tie between both the antivirus programs when it comes to system impact.