There have been a lot of talks regarding Windows 10 and its new features. But the most common talk has been the Windows Hello passing. Just a couple of weeks back, a video was shown of the security feature and a new advertisement was displayed showing the features of the security.
Not similar to the videos that were shown by Microsoft, this one was not officially released yet. If you are still not clear about Windows Hello, you need to check it out to know more.
The video which is in animated form does show the departure mode never ever shown by Microsoft and a different style too. It does depict a more personal and secured way to unlocking the devices of Windows 10 in a more cartoon and fun way. The most interesting part of the video is that the character of the video is shown as a geek. This is because Windows is trying to give a broader appeal and this does give the explanation on why the footage is still not officially promoted too.
The video was shared by Richard Hay from the supersite for Windows and it does show the demonstration of fingerprint scanning, iris recognition and facial recognition that is used to lock a computer. It is much safer than the traditional method of using passwords. You and the device are considered to the keys for Windows experience, data, apps and even websites and services. There is not the random use of keywords like alphabets, numbers as they could be easily forgotten and there is no need to pin them down on boards too. Modern sensors do recognize you and can help you to sign in to any Windows 10 device.
There are various devices available which support Windows Hello. If your device does have fingerprint reading device, you could use it to unlock the device. Various combinations of hardware and software are used when facial or iris detection is done as it is important to accurately verify you and there should be no impersonation too. The camera does use technology such as iris or identification of face and you could be recognized in various conditions of lighting.
Definitely simplicity and convenience should never be sacrificed for privacy and security. Windows Hello does offer enterprise grade security that does meet the requirements of the organization having strict regulations and requirements. This solution is used more by governments in health care, defense, financial and other areas where top level security is available.