Microsoft has finally decided to join the mobile payment game; a game which Apple and Google were already involved in. Microsoft is releasing Microsoft wallet to Windows Insiders using windows 10 mobile build 14360 or higher. This is a mobile payment game that revolutionizes the making of payments by Microsoft account holders.
By teaming up with MasterCard and Visa, Microsoft provides a contact-less payment solution that is for the meantime only available to Lumia 950,950XL and 650 users in the US. The app has more than one function. The app, apart from facilitating contact-less payments it can also be used to store reward cards hence reducing the amount of plastic necessary to carry around with you.
The app is very widely applicable that is it can be used in very many, more than one million to be precise, retail locations. For people using their Microsoft accounts to make online payments for Microsoft payments such as Xbox and Windows Store apps, Microsoft has made this easier for them through the app they are introducing. Customers are now able to comfortably make payments through their accounts. This is a clear indication that accessing online Microsoft goods is now easier.
Microsoft customers can now enjoy easy, more secure transactions having had similar experiences extended to their phones. They are now able to use Microsoft Wallet and tap to pay on their windows 10 mobile phones. Microsoft Wallet also serves to provide one convenient place to store reward and membership numbers so all customers have to do is reference or scan them right from their phone.
In the video released at its launch, It demonstrates how the wallet is used.in the video the convenience claimed by the service is seen as a group of friends are seen to plan a very impromptu surprise party. The service boosts a very fast method of payment that is acceptable to virtually all persons in all walks of life from corporate to a the ice-cream truck across the street, not limited to any geographical locations. Similarly the service negates the need to carry multiple cards as all can be stored in one convenient app.