As Window 10 Anniversary update draws nearer, Microsoft is working hard to fix any defects in the machine systems. This means that the new builds to be released to Windows Insider will have many hugs fixed, but no any new significant features.
There has been a release of another build a day after the release of Build 14367 to the fast ring. The release of Build 14366 to the slow ring by Microsoft is evidence enough that the build (14366) is pretty well stable. The defects that have been fixed have improved and bettered the performance of the PC and mobile devices.
Start will launch even when an app is installing for certain languages such as Chinese or Portuguese (Brazil). Owners of French windows 10 with insider preview build installed in their PC should receive the build without the texts from French being reverted back to English. French translation process has been an issue but it is now fixed.
The setting app will never crash whenever one navigates to privacy pages and one can adjust the privacy settings. Settings app will open in the selected settings page from the search results. PCs and mobile devices will not fail to project to a PC through the new PC access feature.
The size of the window ink space icon on the taskbar will be consistent with the other icons in the notification area. This has been achieved by updating the X to leave the ink workspace and now show a red state when you hover over it. Dismissing the share pane or accepting the prompt to enter tablet mode will not result in exiting the windows ink workspace.
Cortana search results have been updated in that by right clicking on a docx file, you have a menu option to open the file’s location. Existing reminders will display in the Cortana UI and new reminders will be saved easily.
Monitors in settings of the system display, have been fixed to avoid them from jumping to a different ordering and from causing scaling changes and sliders to change display without jumping to unexpected scale factor. You can now snap a full screen remote desktop window if you had been prompted credentials while connecting. Captchas will be displayed correctly. The tile names will not be cut off even after using semantic zoom and Start tiles can be moved with touch. There will be a progress indicator before the background image loads on the lock screen. The touch keyboard will not appear on the lock screen after pressing the Num-lock on the keyboard. Finally on the monitor’s settings, an active VPN connection cannot block the PC from sleeping when idle.
Personal default locations will be preserved across build updates. Right clicking on the desktop will show the menu shortly. The ‘recently added’ section is now located above the ‘most used’ and the duration of time it lasts is 7 days and you have the option to pin them (recently added) to start or taskbar for regular use and quick access. Mobile hotspot settings have been updated to allow name, IP address, and mac address to be selectable for copying if needed.
Title bar of apps using dark theme will be dark at all times even when the windows is in focus. Expanding a skype notification will result to no changes in the action centre. The scrollbar will draw margins from the chevron and X, and where apps logos might be missing in the action centre notifications.
The cursor will always show when interacting with the system using a Wacom tablet. File explorer window will not navigate back to quick Access after deleting something from the folder in view. For devices with 2 batteries, battery fly out will report a correct overall charging state. Microsoft edge will not use a large amount of CPU when open to a page containing animated gifs.
Finally, there are also disadvantages to this build 14366. These are such as; Desktop App converter preview will fail to run on this build. A developer utilizing the converter tool should convert the desktop to UWP. Microsoft suggests that one can either skip the build or switch to the slow ring until this issue is fixed.
Clicking on a file download link outside Microsoft Edge will open a tab and close it without downloading anything. The other option is to go to the download pane and start the download there by clicking ‘save’ or ‘save as’ and Narrator does not launch when you toggle switch to ‘on’ via settings app> ease of access> Narrator.